Programs at the Art House of Des Moines
Bring your ukulele or guitar and singing voice to the lively community musical jam with the Des Moines Ukulele Strummers (DMUS)! Come and join us to learn tunes on the ukulele, learn some fun new techniques, stretch yourself with some optional performance opportunities all the while getting to know new friends.
These fun events are FREE and held every Monday night from 6:30-7:45 pm at Rieman Music, Des Moines-Urbandale, in their recital room. The location is 6501 Douglas Avenue, Urbandale, Iowa. Music stands are provided by the store, so bring your own copy of Jumpin Jim's Ukulele Songbook - The Daily Ukulele or print out a copy of the weekly updated songs from the DMUS website or DMUS Facebook. Facilitated by DMUS member Melanie Hall.
“Because if everyone played the ukulele,
this world would be a much happier place” – Jake Shimabakuro

Throughout the year, Natalie Steenson teaches Beginning and Next Steps ukulele classes at the Northside Library in Des Moines. If you are interested in these classes, contact the Northside Library or Natalie at arthousedsm@gmail.com to be placed on a mailing list for future classes.
Beginning Ukulele Class
Want to learn the basics of ukulele playing? In this class you will learn how to hold the ukulele, strum and try out basic chords on songs for everyone. Beginning Ukulele classes offered periodically throughout the year.
Next Steps Ukulele Class
Do you already have some ukulele skills but want to learn more? Join us for three weekly sessions of intermediate ukulele classes. Next Steps ukulele class offered again in the summer 2024.
Experience worship in the quiet of the evening. Together will explore and reimagine creative thoughtful online worship through scripture, poetry, readings, reflections, prayer, and music.
EvenSong Worship Experiences are scheduled at various times throughout the year. Contact us to find out more. Facilitated by Natalie Steenson, Director of Art House Des Moines and Shamaine Chambers King, Pastor of Windsor Presbyterian Church.
Learn more at windsorpc.org
Choir Basics Workout! Every Wednesday 7-8 p.m. from September through May. Contact us to learn more! Facilitated by Natalie Steenson, Director of Art House Des Moines.
Learn more at windsorpc.org

Interested in learning an instrument? We have some private teachers teaching both individual and small group lessons!
Violin, viola, and ukulele, Elaina Steenson
Piano, voice, and ukulele, Natalie Steenson
Join us for occasional Coffee House Concerts in the East Hall Chapel or the Sanctuary at Windsor Presbyterian Church. Concerts feature local musicians from the surrounding Des Moines area including Clear Joy Music, that feature Celtic music on violin and cello.
Learn more at windsorpc.org
and at Clear Joy Music